Campus Fire Safety Month Activities





National launch of Campus Fire Safety Month 2007

On Wednesday, September 12, events were held at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio to launch the third annual National Campus Fire Safety Month. This featured events such as sprinkler and smoke trailer demonstrations, fire extinguisher training and demonstration burns of mockups of student rooms (one sprinklered and one unsprinklered). This was a joint effort between Kent State University, the Ohio Fire Safety Coalition, Kent Fire Department and Campus Firewatch.  Support was provided by BullEx Digital Safety and the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute.

Two mockups of student rooms were built, one sprinklered and one unsprinklered, by Kent State to demonstrate the speed with which fire can spread.
In less than a minute the sprinkler had activated and extinguished the fire in the left room. However, the fire in the right room raged on, out of control.

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Doug Turnbull's Speech

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Campus Fire Safety Month at WVU

Two nights in August we had the - WVU RA FIRE ACADEMY where we used fire extinguisher props, Frisbee skeet shooting, smoked an entire dormitory hallway, showed the Dana Christmas movie and conducted a small lecture, created an inspection room filled with fire hazards and asked everyone to identify the hazards, and lastly we conducted the live burn.  We had 300 students participate and the event was conducted in three hours.  We had two TV crews and the local and college newspaper present.  It was a very good time.


On Sept 12th, we had the - UP IN SMOKE PROGRAM. We used two fire extinguisher props that educated students on the proper use of fire extinguishers.  Secondly, we utilized WVU Fire Extension Burn Trailer.  We filled the trailer with smoke, manipulated the room and asked students to walk through the trailer.  We also had a bunker gear race.  Two students were asked to see who could put the gear on the fastest.  Last, we had a Frisbee skeet shoot, using a fire truck hose.  Of course we had cool tee-shirts and hats to give away among many other free bees.  We asked students to fill out a survey of the event, in order to obtain their input for future events.  We had two different TV crews were present, along with the local newspaper.  We receive around 250 participate within four hours.  It was a great day and everyone had a good time. 


On Sept 15th we had the - UP ALL NIGHT - HAZE MAZE Program This program was focused for our off campus and older students on campus.  The program was held in our Mountain lair that is used by students all night.  The UP ALL NIGHT concept is something WVU does, in an attempt to keep kids off the streets and safe.  So, what we did was:  Found a glass room on the main floor, smoked it up with theatrical smoke, created a maze for students to walk through and ask them to attempt to make it through the HAZE MAZE if they dare.  Additionally, we had the fire extinguisher props outside of the Lair instructing students in the proper use of an extinguisher.  My focus was to tell them to have someone designated as the party patrol person (responsible for extinguishing cigarettes and other open flame materials).  Another focus was to promote battery operated candles.  Therefore, our give-a-ways consisted of tee shirts for the designated party patrol to wear, lighted hats, and battery operated candles.  We asked to newspaper to attend and TV media.  It was a hit.  We got around 200 students participate in the event.



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